31/12/2015 (finale)

BLACK_2015-12-31 15_13_07

I have decided to put an end to my diary routine today. For two years I have published an image of my inner landscape almost every day (pictures come easier than words for some purposes). I much appreciate when others (you) recognise something of value in my pictures, as I do in yours. Next year will provide time and space for other photographies. I wish you all the best for 2016; take care, and remember that light always comes out of darkness.

10 responses to “31/12/2015 (finale)”

  1. take care and all the best, thanks for sharing your work here!

  2. Malin Ellisdotter H

    Ett riktigt Gott Nytt År önskar jag dig!

  3. Happy New Year, thank you for your interesting inner landscape photos, and I do love your thought about the light. Very suited to photography.

  4. …it was my pleasure seeing your inner landscape…
    Best best for you too, Mathias!! (…smiling for you…)

  5. Jag har följt din blogg med stort intresse Mathias, även om jag inte kommenterat särskilt ofta. Tack för alla dina inlägg och God fortsättning!

  6. Thank you, Vincent! :)

  7. Thank you, Annerose! Looking forward to see more of your landscapes materialise on the canvas :)

  8. Tack Gustav! Bloggen fortsätter men i en annan takt; bilderna tar aldrig slut tack och lov :) Jag fortsätter också besöka dina fina och personliga naturfotografier!

  9. Roligt att höra att det blir en fortsättning, Mathias! Det är vi flera som ser fram emot :)

  10. Thanks too Mathias, some landscapes should start happening soon…


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